Share what superpowers YOU have! This is our most popular activity.

  • You can name real life superpowers and imaginative ones.

  • This activity promotes empowerment, confidence, creative thinking, imagination, and fun!

  • Superheroes are encouraged to write on the front and draw on the back. Please feel free to share their work with us.

Use this worksheet to promote growth mindset with your students and superheroes.

  • This activity focuses on developing and encouraging a growth mindset, reading comprehension, empathy, resiliency, problem solving, and gives a boost of confidence!

Is the UNIVERSE rooting for you? Tell us how! The SUN, MOON, STARS, LEAVES, TREES, CLOUDS, WIND, or maybe your FRIENDS, FAMILY, TEACHERS? Share your creative ideas!

  • This activity promotes a beautiful sense of care, connections, nourishing positive relationships, support, and love.

Tell us what you can do to connect with nature and give back!

  • This activity encourages creating a connection with the natural world around us and brainstorming ways we can take action and give back.


Another one of our favorite activities

  • Make a book: Students began the process of creating their very own stories. It all starts with brainstorming, paper, pencil, coloring utensils, and empowering your student’s creative ideas!